Tips for 3D printing complex geometry with overhangs
1. Orientation of object.
As an example, let’s say we want to print the letter T. If we try to print it standing upright, the overhangs will sag. But if we simply rotate the model so that the T is lying flat, we don’t need supports at all, saving both material and time. Make sure your model is in the best orientation to minimize 3D printed supports.
2. Reduce overhang angles.
After orienting your print, you may still have overhangs. An overhang of up to 45 degrees can usually be printed without sagging. At 45 degrees, the newly printed layer is supported by 50% of the previous layer. This allows sufficient support and adhesion to build on. An angle greater than 45 degrees may not print correctly.
3. Splitting the model.
As huge overhangs produce poor printing results, even with supports, It’s much easier to print two halves of the part separately and glue them together for a beautiful, support-less finish.